Eastern Massachusetts Vascular Plants
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Interdunal Marsh/Swale Community [Fact Sheet] — State Rank S2
Allocation of plants to certain layers may not match that suggested in the NHESP community fact sheet.

Tree Layer
Pinus rigida — pitch pine
Shrub Layer
Juniperus virginiana — eastern red cedar
Kalmia angustifolia — sheep laurel
Herbaceous/Ground Layer (including shrubby groundcovers)
Arethusa bulbosa — dragon's mouth — RARE (T)
Drosera filiformis — thread-leaf sundew
Drosera intermedia — spoonleaf sundew
Juncus canadensis — marsh or Canada rush
Juncus pelocarpus — pondshore rush
Juncus spp. — rushes
Lycopodiella appressa — southern bog clubmoss
Platanthera lacera — ragged fringed orchid
Pogonia ophioglossoides — rose pogonia
Rhynchospora alba — white beak-rush
Rhynchospora capitellata — brown beak-rush
Rhynchospora spp. — beak rushes, bald sedges, horned sedges
Sabatia kennedyana — Plymouth gentian — RARE (SC)
Spiranthes cernua — nodding ladies' tresses
Triadenum spp. — marsh St. John's-worts
Vaccinium macrocarpon — American cranberry, large cranberry
Xyris spp. — yellow-eyed grass