Eastern Massachusetts Vascular Plants
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Maritime Erosional Cliff Community [Fact Sheet] — State Rank S2
Allocation of plants to certain layers may not match that suggested in the NHESP community fact sheet.

Tree Layer
Prunus serotina — black cherry
Shrub Layer
Comptonia peregrina — sweetfern
Gaylussacia baccata — black huckleberry
Lonicera spp. — honeysuckle
Parthenocissus quinquefolia — Virginia creeper
Prunus maritima — beach plum
Rosa carolina — Carolina rose, pasture rose
Rosa multiflora — multiflora rose — INVASIVE
Rosa rugosa — Japanese rose, saltspray rose — INVASIVE
Smilax rotundifolia — catbrier, bullbrier
Toxicodendron radicans — poison ivy
Herbaceous/Ground Layer (including shrubby groundcovers)
Artemisia vulgaris — common wormwood, mugwort — INVASIVE
Atriplex patula — orache — NON-NATIVE
Equisetum arvense — field horsetail, common horsetail