Eastern Massachusetts Vascular Plants
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Successional White Pine Forest Community [Fact Sheet] — State Rank S5
Allocation of plants to certain layers may not match that suggested in the NHESP community fact sheet.

Tree Layer
Acer rubrum — red maple
Betula spp. — birches
Pinus strobus — white pine
Populus spp. — aspens
Prunus serotina — black cherry
Quercus alba — white oak
Quercus rubra — northern red oak
Shrub Layer
Frangula alnus — glossy buckthorn — INVASIVE
Gaylussacia baccata — black huckleberry
Lonicera morrowii — Morrow's honeysuckle — INVASIVE
Rosa multiflora — multiflora rose — INVASIVE
Rubus spp. — blackberries
Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis — common elderberry
Toxicodendron radicans — poison ivy
Vaccinium pallidum — hillside blueberry, dryland blueberry
Viburnum acerifolium — maple-leaf viburnum
Herbaceous/Ground Layer (including shrubby groundcovers)
Cypripedium acaule — pink lady's slipper
Dendrolycopodium obscurum — princess-pine or tree clubmoss
Diphasiastrum digitatum — southern ground-cedar
Lycopodium clavatum — running clubmoss, common clubmoss
Lysimachia borealis — American starflower
Maianthemum canadense — Canada mayflower
Mitchella repens — partridgeberry
Polygala paucifolia — fringed polygala, flowering wintergreen
Pteridium aquilinum — bracken fern
Vaccinium angustifolium — lowbush blueberry